Osmanische Herberge


Damaskus 4

Damaskus 5

Damaskus 6

Damaskus 7

Maulana in Damaskus 1

Maulana in Damaskus 2

Maulana in Damaskus 3

Bismillahi-Rahmani-Rahim – Im Namen Gottes des Allerbarmers des Barmherzigen

Neues aus Damaskus
(aktualisiert am Mittwoch, den 28. September)
(übermittelt von unserem geehrten Bruder Scheikh Abd al-Hafidh)

Sohbet von Maulana Scheikh Nazim
(28. September 2005)

As we learned yesterday Mawlana Shaykh Nazim – may Allah sanctify his secret – arrived Sunday evening safely in Beirut. There was a reception by a huge crowd of Naqshbandi murîds and muhibbîn arranged by Shaykh Mustafa Aleyli. Mawlana condoled Shaykh Mustafa for the sad demise of his son Iyâd – may Allah shower His mercy on him – last week (Please read al-Fatiha for him!).

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim will continue his journey to Trablus (Tripoli) and from there to Afrîn to visit Shaykh Husayn ´Alî – the Kurdish deputy of Sultânu l-Awliyâ Shaykh Abdallah Fâiz ad-Dagastânî – and on to Haleb (Aleppo), where Sidi Na´sân Hindâwî, the famous advocate who was blessed in his youth by meeting Grandshaykh Abdallah ad- Dagastânî – may Allah sanctify his secret – intends to arrange an "Allepo-style" reception.

We are hopeful that Mawlana on his way back will bless us here in
Damascus with another (even a very short) visit before returning to
Cyprus for Ramadan.

Sunday morning a brother who had come from France to see the Shaykh asked Mawlana concerning permission to go on Hajj this year and Mawlana said that at this point he could not carry responsibility for anyone going on Hajj, saying, "You may go on your own responsibility, but we cannot accept responsibility for you in these days, we don't know what may happen this year." Mawlana indicated it might be that during the coming Ramadan things become more clear and it would be better to decide after Ramadan whether to go or not.

During his suhba on Saturday evening Mawlana Shaykh Nazim mentioned those who claim that saying that the Prophet – Allah bless him and grant him peace – may be present in any place means to commit "Shirk". He said, "I ask them, 'is there a place, where there is no Shaytan? He is present even in the holiest of places. Or is there no Shaytan in Mecca? Is there no Shaytan in Medina? Is there no Shaytan in Jerusalem?' Of course there is and everybody knows it and admits it. So if Allah gives permission to that cursed one to be present in every place in this world, do you think He would not give that same permission to His Beloved whom He sent as a 'Mercy for All the Worlds'?"

In the same suhba Mawlana also talked about someone who came to him with a magisterial thesis 'like a brick' on "Stories in the Holy
Qur'ân." Mawlana told him after briefly looking at it, "but you
forget the main point in all of this! It is the saying of Allah the
Exalted: "fa-aqsus al-qasasa la´allahum yatafakarûn" (Qur'ân, 7:176), ordering His Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – and those who follow in his noble footsteps: "So tell them the stories so that they may think about them." Mawlana continued, "We tell people stories to make them think, but those foolish 'doctors' and scholars with their so-called ' scientific thinking' say: 'but these stories are 'isra'iliyât', we don't even know if they are true or not.' I tell them, 'first of all, look into the Holy Qur'ân, it is full of stories about the Banû Isra'îl and their prophets – peace be upon all of them. Do you want to reject what is in the Qur'ân? Secondly the purpose of the stories we tell is, as Allah Almighty said, to make people think, to give them examples and make it easy for them to understand some points that might be difficult to grasp otherwise. We don't say they are necessarily true or historical events. We only use them as examples to make people think. So don't object but use your intelligence to understand the meaning."

May Allah increase our love for His Awliyâ and grant us right

(26. September 2005)

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim spoke last week during one of his suhbas in a small circle at the residence of Abû Zeki about the development of the human being in the spiritual and physical sense. He compared man to a foetus inside the mother's womb, living happily in this secure place, being provided for by the mother.

The unborn child does not feel the urge to leave this surrounding and has to be brought out by the mother's labour at the moment decided by  Allah. Then Allah sends support through His angels until the child comes out of the womb in the position of sajda. Doctors who try to manipulate or induce this birth process by unnatural means are ignorant of these realities and secrets 
and often cause harm to mother and child.

Man is like this unborn child living in the outer world, dunya, 
without realizing that he has to transcend the material and reach to the worlds of spiritual realities. The Mashayikh of the Naqshandi 
order bring man to go beyond this limited, seemingly comfortable 
material existence, to free their souls and experience the realities that lie beyond. Sadly most people nowadays are not intersted at all in what they were created for.

Only when the human soul leaves the cage of the material can it reach to the real purpose of its existence. In another example Mawlana compared the material existence to living inside the shell of an egg. Only after the shell is broken the chicklet comes out and enters into the world to experience its wonders.

O Allah grant us success in the footsteps of our masters and bless 
our beloved Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani. O Allah, grant him long life and good health and accept us as his followers in Your Divine Presence here and hereafter.

Maulana Scheikh Nazim reist nach Beirut
(26. September 2005)

Our beloved teacher and master Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani left Damascus this afternoon for Beirut, may Allah grant him safety and bless his journey.

After a breakfast provided by some of the generous muhibbîn at the residence of Abû Zeki Efendi Mawlana spoke about the excellence and blessings of Shâm and mentioned some of the sayings of the Seal of Prophets – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – and the awliyâ. Amongst the hadiths he quoted was the saying, "The gathering place of the Muslims on the day of the [great] battle will be 'al-Ghûta' [the green belt] nearby a city called Damascus – from the best cities of Shâm." And he quoted the Prophets – may Allah bless him and grant him peace –
saying, "Good tidings for Shâm (tûba li-shâm), good tidings for Shâm, good tidings for Shâm." Mawlana congratulated all who have been honoured to live in Shâm, asked Allah to not deprive him of its blessings and said that the one who has a place of even one square meter or the size of a grave in bilâdu Shâm shall be lucky and happy on the Day of the Gathering.

Mawlana also mentioned that in Shâm the believers will never be under the control of the hypocrites unlike in so many other places of the Muslim world, Wahhabism would never take root in the land of Shâm and that there would be special ranks and divine protection for the believers of Shâm on judgment day.

more information here...

Then Mawlana gave for several hours full attention to all those who had been waiting to talk to him in private – may Allah reward his endless patience and generousity – and everyone we saw coming out of his room was happy, grateful, enlightened with sincere advice, hope and a heart full of love for this perfect master and inheritor of Allah's Beloved – may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

After a late zuhr prayer some of the sincere ulema from al-Ghuta came to greet Mawlana. Shaykh Nazim Efendi welcomed them and then gave them permission for the Naqshbandi awrâd.

After a short rest Mawlana left for Lebanon with the best wishes and hope for a return in the near future by all who stayed behind.

May Allah grant Mawlana long life, never ending increase in ranks and stations and give us the highest aspiration to follow him in love and sincerity.

Scheikh Nazim in Damaskus ( 25. September 2005)

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim is very well. He had a late breakfast yesterday at Abû Walîd Turkmeni's residence in the Hajar al-Aswad district where Shaykh Abdul-Hâdî Kharsa came to visit him. Mawlana spoke on the traditional Islamic education system which consists in circles of learning with Mashayikh, first mastering the different high sciences of language before studying the even higher sciences of the religion like ´aqîda, hadîth, fiqh, usul al-fiqh and tafsîr. Then he said, "the new-fashioned academic system has no blessings in it. And he described how he had met some Egyptian students of Islamic sciences in London, asking them what they were doing there and they had told him, "we are working on our doctorate here," whereupon he had told them, "you have the biggest center of Islamic teaching in your country [al- Azhar] and you are coming here to get some jewish title from the non- Muslims? What a foolishness!"

Mawlana spoke about the years when he had come to Damascus first in 1943-44, the Mashayikh he had met and mentioned meeting a student of the science of hadîth, whom he had asked, "tell me the first hadîth that comes to your mind." Whereupon he was told that the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – had said that Allah Almighty said in a hadîth qudsî: "O my servant, obey me and I will make you lordly (rabbaniyyun) so that when you will say to a thing 'be' it will be." Mawlana said, "I remember it clearly as if I had heard it just now."

In the evening after dinner at Abû Zekis residence Mawlana gave beautiful long suhba. He spoke about the importance of the Basmalah, the futility of anything begun without it and then described how Shaytân had taken control over mankind, dressing dunya, this disgusting old ugly woman, with make-up, beautiful clothes and jewellery to make her look attractive until everyone runs after her, opening the gates of his heart – which should be the abode of the Almighty – to her. "Shaytan is people's best and closest friend in our age, teaching them how to enjoy this worldly life without ever remebering their Lord or His command. People are ridiculing their Lord and His religion and He sends punishment upon them, throwing them into depression. They may have everything you can imagine in terms of wordly possessions but they cannot enjoy them ever because of their ungratefulness and disobedience towards their creator, who sends upon them this sickness of their souls, which forces them to take drugs, but 'no Valium and no Helium' can cure them. The righteous ones are in bliss – here and herafter – but the transgressors are in the fire – here and in the next world. Seek refuge from Shaytan with Allah, as He has commanded! Repent to Allah, if you have fallen into Shaytan's trap and seek refuge with Allah again and again. Only his master can protect you from this dog [Shaytan], so seek refuge from him in Allah!" […]

May Allah bless Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and reward him endlessly for his continous advice to mankind and his selfless service to the umma of Allah's Beloved, Sayyidinâ Muhammad – blessings and peace be upon him eternally.

Most probably Mawlana Shaykh Nazim will leave Damascus today for Lebanon, may Allah bless and protect him and grant him ease in his journey!

Juma in Damaskus ( 24. September 2005)

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim prayed Jumu´â prayer in a local mosque, very near the home of Abu Zeki, Hajji Amina's brother – may Allah have mercy on her – in the Mukhayyam Filistin district. After salatu l- ´asr Mawlana came to the zawiya at the maqam of Shaykh Mahmud Abû Shamât for a beautiful dhikr which was attended by a huge crowd of followers and muhibbîn.

When Mawlana started the invocation "Allah ya Jalîl, Allah ya Jalîl"
in a majestic voice, raising his right arm towards heaven, it seemed as if the whole zawiyya with all those attenders was lifted up towards heaven and a wonderful feeling of inner peace flooded everybody's heart.

Tomorrow will probably be the last day of Mawlana's visit to Damascus, as he will in shâ Allah travel to Lebanon on Sunday.

In a short suhba before zuhr on Sunday, adressing some scholars from one of the famous colleges of Islamic sciences, Mawlana said that in our age, the age of tyranny, most of the Muslim population, especially in non-arab countries like Turkey, had become ignorant of their religion to such a degree that they had become enemies of religion.

"You arabs", he said, "are born as half scholars already, because your mother tongue is arabic. But we, even after fourty years of study, don't properly know the difference between past and present tense as, when we had just started to study, they changed the alphabet[from Arabic to Latin]."

There is no republic in Islam, he said, Islam needs one sultan, there can't be two. But nowadays we have all these national entities who are enemies to each other, while Allah says, "O believers, hold fast to the rope of Allah and don't split up." It seems as if the preachers in the mosques were telling the believers just the opposite. […]

May Allah increase our love for Mawlana and grant us the blessing of being with those we love here and hereafter!


Scheikh Effendi in Damaskus ( 23. September 2005)

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim is in good health and spirits (as always). He will in shâ Allah pray the Friday prayer in the Umayyad Mosque and there will be a dhikr at the Zawiya Abû Shamât near Bab Jâbi in the afternoon.

In the past days Mawlana – may Allah sanctify his secret and benefit us from his teachings – has been mentioning the "budalâ of Shâm" (40 hidden awliya who are always present in Shâm, if one of them passes away, Allah replaces him with another one) several times. Mawlana said that Allah has granted each of them 300 special powers, if one of them uses just one of these powers it would be enough to shift the continents, e.g. America to Africa, Europe to Asia etc.

Since the 15th of Sha´bân 1 or 2 of them are asking for Divine permission to appear and use their powers against all the kinds of evil that are covering this world. Mawlana is making du´â to Allah to close the gates of every kind of evil.

When the wife of a new disciple was introduced to Mawlana he said to her, pointing to her husband, "Are you obeying him? Are you following him? Or do you think that he should obey and follow you? In former times there were in each house hen(s) and a rooster and things were in their natural order. Nowadays wherever you look you see two roosters fighting each other each trying to be the boss. Don't follow this new fashion!"

May Allah increase our love towards His Beloved – sallaLlah ´alyhi wa sallam – his family and companions and his true inheritors, especially Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani and bless us with useful knowledge and right understanding.

Ein kurzer aktueller Bericht über Maulana in Damaskus ( 22.September)

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim is very well. In the morning he received a visit by two of the son's of Shaykh Husayn from Afrin and spoke on the phone to Shaykh Husayn.

In the afternoon he took a tour to the countryside accompanied by
Shaykh Adnan and Shaykh Hisham and a small group of disciples.
In one of his short advises to people on the previuos day Mawlana
stressed the importance of giving Sadaqa every morning.

He mentioned that the Prophet – may Allah bless him and grant him peace – had said that giving Sadaqa in the morning is like a curtain (hijâb) between the giver and trials or misfortune (balâ'). Mawlana pointed out that in the Holy Qur'ân Allah always mentions prayer and giving charity or Zakat (infâq) together, the prayer being the right we owe Allah our Creator and Zakat or Sadaqa the right we owe those who are needy from His creation.

May Allah grant all of us true and everlasting love for our master
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim – may Allah sanctify his secret, increase his
stations, reward him endlessly and give him health and a long blessed life!

Anmerkung d. Verf:

Aus vielen Quellen verlautete, dass die meisten Sohbets in arabischer Sprache gehalten werden und auch nicht immer klar ist, wo sich Maulana aufhält und wann er eine Sohbet hält. Wir werden weiter versuchen Sohbets und Bilder zu bekommen (Ahmed Adamek).

Unser geliebter Meister,

Maulana Scheikh Nazim Adil al-Qubrusi al-Haqqani

ist am Sonntag, den 10. September

in Damaskus eingetroffen. 

Die Absicht besteht, dort 10 Tage zu bleiben.
(19. September)

(vom 20. September)

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,

our beloved master Mawlana Shaykh Nazim arrived in Damascus on Sunday evening at Damascus airport and was welcomed by a crowd of mashaykh and students many of whom had been thirsting to see him since his last visit four years ago.

His deputy in Shâm, Shaykh Adnan Qabbani, and Shaykh Hisham have arranged a program of visits and meetings. Yesterday Mawlana visited the maqam of Grandshaykh Abdullah ad- Daghastani for the first time since its renovation. After ziyara and maghrib prayers at the maqam Mawlana had dinner at the dergah and after ´isha prayers he gave a beautiful suhba in the mosque of Shaykh Abdullah.

Mawlana intends to travel to Lebanon on Saturday. May Allah grant us the highest benefit from his company and make us
worthy of being his followers.